Tag Archives: advice

signs your ex wants you back

Here are some signs your ex wants you back

Try to reach you with no particular reason.

Always in places where you seem to be.

Mentioned to friends that the have no interest in new relationships.

Improved their appearance, or seems to be trying to impress you.Signs your ex wants you back – 1st step

Very touchy feely when they see you.

Greatly explains themselves when it seems they’ve done something to upset you.

Even if your ex are showing these signs or not it’s still possible to win them back. You can stop the permanent break up through these steps out lined here.


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Signs your ex wants you back – 1st step


1st Step To Stopping A Break Up
Don’t Panic. Panicking can be very damaging and is a very bad thing to do.

Confirms their decision to break up.

Pushes them farther away, your probably being clingy and demanding more time.
Signs of Panic

Text messaging Terrorism, when you send a barrage of text messages.

Drunk or Emotional Dialing, calling over and over again.

Arguing about the break up.

Contacting friends and family, your not accepting the reason for the break up.

“Accidental” Meetings.

So What Should You Do?

It seems counter intuitive because it’s opposite of your feelings.
Agree with the break up (for now)

Be Calm, Cool, and Okay with it.

Don’t do all the crazy stuff mentioned above.
Why this works?

My father or grandfather introduced me to this phrase, “a hungry dog doesn’t get fed.”

When you see a hungry starved dog, you immediately want him out of your house, whereas your going to take care of the nicely, groomed and well fed dog.

This works for powerful psychological reasons.

People want what they can’t have. Quoting David Deangleo “How do you make someone want something? You give it value. You show others like it. You make it scarce. And then you make them work for it.” If your pathetically trying to get back with your ex, your basically guaranteeing she won’t want you back.
It’s true with

Jobs, it’s hard to get one when you don’t have one

Money/Credit, banks will loan money to people who have it

and Love and Attention
If you’ve blown it is there still a chance?



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Signs your ex wants you back – What To Do

Here’s what you want to do

Write a short note

Let them know you are okay with the breakup now.

Tell him/her that you agree with the decision.

If you did something “bad” like an affair or cheating, briefly apologize. (If you did nothing wrong don’t find something to apologize about.)

Tell them something really exciting happened in your life and you need to tell them about it sometime.

Let them know that you want to give them time to themselves for now.

Finally close by saying “Maybe at some point we can be friends.”

Remember a calm, cool tone!.

This sets the stage for your next moves.
Would you like to learn more?

Controversial tactics

Has been called Mind Control. For a long time I didn’t want to release some of this because of the weirdos, but I assume your an average well meaning individual, just trying to get back with good intentions.

Not for stalkers.

Not to be used for revenge.

Not for cuckoos, crazies, or weirdos.

For normal loving people who made a mistake and want the best advantage.
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